Victorian photographic studio for sale

If you are looking for a property and a "project", you could become (like us) the owner of a former Victorian photographic studio!

The property in question is the former studio of Henry Hayman, at 20A Church Street, Launceston, Cornwall. Hayman had started his business at 20 Church Street in 1866, and in 1880 he moved into 20A which he demolished and rebuilt. By then he had also diversified as a piano dealer, and the lower floors of the new building formed the piano emporium.

In the photos below, it is the higher part to the rear, not the building at the front, which is the earlier studio at no.20.

I happened to meet the current owner when I visited Launceston recently to look at the exterior. She indicated that much of the original roof structure is intact behind a false ceiling. From the exterior it does seem possible that the glazed roof frame, or even the glazing, is still existing underneath the more recent roof tiles.

(nb I have no involvement in the property or its sale.)


Richard Hodgson

Hayman Launceston O E 2.jpg

Hayman.Launceston ME 2021 a.jpg

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