Does anyone have infornation on Joe Davis and Walden Hammond, both of whom took commercial photographs of British dancers in the 1920s?
I am trying to establish copyright for a publication on a New Zealand dancer.
Does anyone have infornation on Joe Davis and Walden Hammond, both of whom took commercial photographs of British dancers in the 1920s?
I am trying to establish copyright for a publication on a New Zealand dancer.
You need to be a member of British Photographic History to add comments!
Also- now looking for any information in regards to copyright for dance photographs taken by H Walker of Scarborough in the mid1920s.
There was a H Walker of Scarborough listed in 1914 as a member of the Professional Photographers' Association. No oher information unfortunately. I suspect the work might be orphaned.
If a work is orphaned is it sufficient just to credit the photographer in a publication?
[Captain] Walden Hammond was elected a member of the Royal Photographic Society in 1924, became an Associate in 1925 and Fellow in 1928. His address was the Studio, Victoria Colonnade, Leamington Spa, and then Little Thatch, Kineton. He died 4 May 1968 aged 79. There's an obituary here: Walden was an exhibitor with the London Salon and the RPS in its annual and pictorial exhibitions through to the 1960s. He was selling polychrome and monochrome bromoils early on. His work was also featured in Photograms of the Year in the 1920s-early 1940s.
I can't locate any specific information on a Joe Davies. Is there a fuller name or location?
Thanks. Any idea how I can locate copyright permission for a Hammond photograph published in 1927?
Joe Davis was London based I believe.
If the photograph was still in copyright at 1 July 1995 then the copyright extends for 70 years from the death of photographer. However, if you have done appropriate due diligence in try to trace the copyright holder, usually the estate or heirs, without success then they can be considered orphaned. There is a formal orphaned works process (which is expensive) or you could adopt an informal process. If the work was commissioned then copyright may have existed with the commissioner e.g. a publisher. Happy to discuss offline.
Thanks Michael. I may contact you shortly as I am going through the process of locating copyright for several photographs from the 1920s.