Frederick Dew - Wigam

I am seeking information about a photographer Frederick Dew (born 3 July 1874) who is recorded at 29 Park Road, Wigan, Lancashire in 1939. Also living with him was his wife, Sarah (domestic duties) and a 'photographic assistant', Gladys Leyland or Christian[?]. 

Does anyone know if he ran a studio at that address and what it was called?

Many thanks,


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  • Thank you Brett !

  • Sorry Lissa, I never saw this second question at the time. No mention of Lillian Stratton in the alphabetical section.

  • Also any mention of a Lillian Stratton in there?

    Lissa Mitchell said:

    Thanks Brett

  • Thanks Brett

  • Hi Lissa,

    I think you mean Wigan.

    Gillian Jones' Lancashire Professional Photographers, 1840-1940 records the following:

    - Dew, Frederick W. 1 Parsons Walk, Wigan (1913-1926) and 1 Park Road, Wigan (1932-1939)

    No recorded studio name, as such. Hope that helps.

    Regards, Brett

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