Hello Robert: Here's a bit more information. I am the architecture specialist for the department of image collections at the National Gallery of Art, Washington DC. Several years ago we purchased a group of 355 images that had been sold at Harry Lunn Jr. Gallery in Paris. On the reverse of one of these was a note that said, Famille de Benjamin B. Turner. We have not been able to ascertain definitively if they are actually by him, but recently, Quaritch has had for sale a group of photographs by Turner that includes photographic portraits of Christine and Henry Sanford Bicknell. In our group of photographs are views of Bicknell's home (Cavendish House). We also ran across photos of Bicknell's house in the Lambeth Archive that are identical to ours. Our photographs appear to date around 1883-1885 and there are film and exposure notations on some of them, along with incidental photos of two women who look, to me at least, very like Agnes Chamberlain Turner and Helen Chamberlain Urwick. We would like to be able to prove one way or the other if these are B.B.Turner's later work. If you are interested, I can send you more information and would appreciate anything you can tell me. All best, Andrea (perhaps you could contact me more easily at a-gibbs@nga.gov)
Hello Robert: Here's a bit more information. I am the architecture specialist for the department of image collections at the National Gallery of Art, Washington DC. Several years ago we purchased a group of 355 images that had been sold at Harry Lunn Jr. Gallery in Paris. On the reverse of one of these was a note that said, Famille de Benjamin B. Turner. We have not been able to ascertain definitively if they are actually by him, but recently, Quaritch has had for sale a group of photographs by Turner that includes photographic portraits of Christine and Henry Sanford Bicknell. In our group of photographs are views of Bicknell's home (Cavendish House). We also ran across photos of Bicknell's house in the Lambeth Archive that are identical to ours. Our photographs appear to date around 1883-1885 and there are film and exposure notations on some of them, along with incidental photos of two women who look, to me at least, very like Agnes Chamberlain Turner and Helen Chamberlain Urwick. We would like to be able to prove one way or the other if these are B.B.Turner's later work. If you are interested, I can send you more information and would appreciate anything you can tell me. All best, Andrea (perhaps you could contact me more easily at a-gibbs@nga.gov)
Here is another that we would like to think show Agnes and her sister Nelly (Helen). a343_pl_193_cor.jpg
Here is the photo. I hope it's Agnes. If it is, we have several more. a343_pl_10_cor.jpg