BJP and the missing years and more

I have been working on building a database of early photographic works, been doing this for about a decade.The database is currently running off of a thumb drive and is pushing 75GB. The database is indexed and is searchable via Regex searching. Being indexed, it is fast. All of the books are locally on the drive itself.

Everything is prior to 1923 with the exception of a handful of books that were not renewed and are deemed to be public due to the Stanford Database.

(Renewals, for many years were kept in a handwritten ledger, where members of the Library of Congress could log in renewals "when they had time." This is the story. Stanford University took it on themselves to transcribe the handwritten notes into a database, which is not the US defacto legal way to tell if a renewal had been made.)

The books are listed below.

It includes a complete set of Photo-Minature and a complete set of CameraCraft.

I am working on a complete set of the BJP, and thus this post:

From 1854 to 1923 I am missing:

Everything before 1860, 1854-1860.











If anyone knows of a source for the missings, I'd like to know.

I plan to put this online eventually here in the US. Due to weirdness in European copyright laws, (I'm not saying the US is not weird, BTW) The US is the best place to host it. Many UK sources feel they can re-copyright public domain works due to making a copy, the US courts have ruled against this repeatedly.

Also if there is anyone with good networking skills and would like to set this up, let me know. My last networking gig was as a civilian computer expert and team leader at the Los Angeles Police Department, I lead the team, that developed the LAPD Hitman homicide evidence system and our beta test was the O.J. Simpson case. Go figure.

Master library all.txt

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  • Hello there,

    Can I ask if anyone has found a digital copy of Vol. 26 (1879) of the BJP? I see it is on the 'wanted' list below. I am particularly interested in two items that mention Thomas Davidson, the camera and lens maker - 15 Aug 1879 pp. 390-1 and 22 August 1879 pp. 399-401.

    Cheers, Joe Rock


  • It seems like the Dropbox link is out of date, is it the only accessible source of digitized archives of the BJP?

    I have read here and there that the current editor had the archives digitized, but they don't seem to be made available, and Proquest is only an option for people who are members of a research institute that has a subscription for the right collections.

  • I live in Far Western MD on PA & WV boarder. We go to DC some. Dick

  • Apologies I forgot to thank you for this ...will be so useful!!!!  thank you so much for uploading!

  • James,

    I just reloaded it so it may take an hour to sync.


  • Hi

    I have only just noticed this post ... don't suppose you could relink the dropbox file could you?

    Thanking you in advance


    Richard Sullivan HonFRPS said:

    Due to some computer foul ups I was not receiving regularly the email replies to this, and some health problems as well. 

    Here is a link my collection of the BJP.

    I will try to collect up the new ones kindly sent.

    --Dick Sullivan

  • The British Journal of Photography

    Two large boxes of BJP issues, one box has his selected files ( clippings, BJP group photos of members with some IDs)  from BJPs in the period of 1890-1914 & the other large box has  issues from 1886-1892.


    British Journal of Photography was founded in 1854 to record the scientific development of a fledgling medium. These days, BJP takes an international perspective on contemporary photography, focusing on fine art and documentary, and the cutting edge of editorial and commercial practices. Each monthly edition (in print and iPad) focuses on a theme, including regular subjects such as Portrait, Education, Journeys and Community, together with our annual review, Cool & Noteworthy, and our talent edition, Ones To Watch, along with more esoteric subjects, such as Invisible World, Habitat and Tales of the City, complemented by in-depth interviews and articles.

    Est number of issues 4x12X7 yrs= 336 issues?

    Hi, I am trying to get rid of these large boxes! Dick in Far Western MD

  • Due to some computer foul ups I was not receiving regularly the email replies to this, and some health problems as well. 

    Here is a link my collection of the BJP.

    I will try to collect up the new ones kindly sent.

    --Dick Sullivan

  • Over the years I’ve also built up a collection of digital BJPs, up to 1900, with a few beyond, however, like Martin I gave up on the decade before WW1. I also have a few gaps, sadly some of which are the same as yours. However, I have some you haven’t got and similarly you apparently have a few that I haven’t yet found, so please see my ‘wants list’ at the end.

    You might have already followed up Krzysztof’s Internet Archive lead and found some of your missing volumes. However, in case you haven’t and for the benefit of other members, here are some links (IA - scroll down to select your preferred download format, Hathi – download whole book on left).

    The BJP did not adopt that name until 1860, so the first 6 volumes are online under other names:

    Liverpool Photographic Journal

    1854, 55, 56 (Volumes 1-3 in one pdf)

    1857, vol. 4

    Liverpool & Manchester Photographic Journal

    1858, vol.5

    The Photographic Journal

    1859 vol.6


    1860 vol. 7 [sadly like you I have not (yet) found a digital copy]

    1861 / 62 vols. 8 & 9

    1863 / 64 vols 10 & 11

    1865 / 66 vols 12 & 13:

    1869  vol. 16

    1873  vol. 20

    1877  vol. 24

    1891  vol. 38


    My nineteenth century BJP “wants list” if anyone can point me in the right direction are:

    1860, vol.7; 1868, vol.15; 1871, vol. 18; 1879, vol 26; 1881 vol 28; 1882, vol. 29; 1886, vol. 33; and 1898, vol. 45.

    Richard, thanking you in anticipation if you can provide me with links to fill a few gaps.

  • Good afternoon,

    Have you ever tried to look up what's on the site www.archive. org ?


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