Dr. Joe Rock commented on Dr. Joe Rock's blog post Robert Adamson & architectural photography
"I now realize that I took this a step too far in flipping the image left to right. The image above is how a photographer today would see the image, on the ground glass screen. Robert Adamson would have seen it as it is here, projected on the back of…"
Dr. Joe Rock posted a blog post
I have been looking at early calotypes by Robert Adamson (1821-1848), partner of D O Hill in Edinburgh from 1843) and I now think he and his brother Dr. John were using interesting techniques to 'record' buildings with corrected vertcals - rather…
Dr. Joe Rock replied to Richard Sullivan HonFRPS's discussion BJP and the missing years and more
"Hello there,
Can I ask if anyone has found a digital copy of Vol. 26 (1879) of the BJP? I see it is on the 'wanted' list below. I am particularly interested in two items that mention Thomas Davidson, the camera and lens maker - 15 Aug 1879 pp. 390-1…"
Jan 5
Dr. Joe Rock commented on Dr. Joe Rock's blog post Help with a camera...
"I now realise that my print (below) is from the Glasgow negative HA0469. It has the same tear on the left side near the top - although it was in better condition when the print was made.…"
Nov 23, 2024
Dr. Joe Rock commented on Dr. Joe Rock's blog post Help with a camera...
"Hi Roger,
Yes, it would make sense that they used a portrait lens as that is apparently why they bought the big camera. It is worth saying that my print is of course only half the story, which is why it is so sharp. It's on a relatively modern…"
Nov 23, 2024
Dr. Joe Rock commented on Dr. Joe Rock's blog post Help with a camera...
"Thanks Roger, all very helpful. By the look of it H&A did make extensive use of their large camea obscura - or more accurately, travelled extensively using it, getting as far south as York. I am now wondering something else, which is; why my print…"
Nov 22, 2024
Dr. Joe Rock commented on Dr. Joe Rock's blog post Help with a camera...
"Hello James, Thank you for the reference - I must look it up to see where he found the information. Just checked the Glasgow set and sure enough, a whole run of Linlithgow, in one case on small and format but all the others large... and looking…"
Nov 19, 2024
Dr. Joe Rock commented on Dr. Joe Rock's blog post Help with a camera...
"Thank you Michael and Sara, and great to hear from you!
This does explain why before the Autumn of 1844 he had a camera that could do justice to the Scott Monument. Looking through the negatives of St. John's Free Church again I realised that only…"
Nov 18, 2024
Dr. Joe Rock commented on Dr. Joe Rock's blog post Help with a camera...
"It originally stood on its own against a high wall in 1680 - everything else in the Keith image is later
Nov 18, 2024
Dr. Joe Rock commented on Dr. Joe Rock's blog post Help with a camera...
"I agree, the Getty image makes it clearer. I worked out they are photographing the William Little monument, the right pier of which forms the left edge of the image. I have not been able to find such a view and I'm not surprised. I have spent too…"
Nov 18, 2024
Dr. Joe Rock commented on Dr. Joe Rock's blog post Help with a camera...
"This better image in the Getty shows the two photographers working...
Nov 17, 2024
Dr. Joe Rock commented on Dr. Joe Rock's blog post Help with a camera...
"Sorry, the advertisement was published in The Scotsman on 3 August 1844.
Nov 17, 2024
Dr. Joe Rock commented on Dr. Joe Rock's blog post Help with a camera...
"Thank you both... and don't worry, I am still guessing at the moment, as you will see.
What I posted is a detail from a calotype in the Hill and Adamson collection in Glasgow University Library. It is a very small part of:…"
Nov 17, 2024
Dr. Joe Rock posted a blog post
Can anyone tell me the specific camera being used here? The date is around 1843. If the man at the back is holding a darkslide (and not just steadying the camera) then it appears to be a very large format.
Nov 16, 2024
Dr. Joe Rock commented on Michael Pritchard's blog post Radcliffe Observatory 1842 negative donated to Bodleian

I thought it would be interesting to see this as a positive.
As someone who has spent many hours under the darkcloth I am puzzled at the viewpoint. The building is still exactly the same as shown and it has a vast expanse of lawn in front. So why…"
Oct 14, 2024