Hello all, I wonder if anyone can help me I D the manufacturer of a shutter I have. The best clue is the maker's trade mark, an anchor with W K stamped on it. I have attached some photos any help would be appreciated.
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Thanks very much Jose for your time and information.
Rare shutter. The writing on the selector means Kenngott made it for the British market.
T/I - Time/Instant.
For the French it would be P/I - Pose/Instantané
For the German Z/M - Zeit/Moment
Thanks very much Scott, that's very helpful. I couldn't find any info on the WK trademark. Probably because I only looked for a British maker. Thanks again, All the best Gerry.
The WK with anchor symbol belonged to the Wilhelm Kengott company, a Paris manufacturer of lenses and shutters. W. Kengott invented the Koilos shutter. A brief bio. on the Web: http://www.collection-appareils.fr/x/html/historique_eng.php?marque...