This could be a trivia question, but I'm asking it as a serious inquiry. Does anyone know which museum first collected photographs? I'm not looking for the first that exhibited photographs (although that might be interesting as well), but rather which museum first acquired a photograph as either an art form or a scientific object in their collection.

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  • I think the Royal Scottish Academy may have exhibited photographs early (David Octavius Hill was a member) and their collection morphed with the National Galleries of Scotland although not sure exactly when photographs became part of their collection. Might be worth contacting them.

  • The Blackmore Museum (Salisbury, Wiltshire. UK) had a vast collection in the 1860’s documenting Native Americans. The collection moved to the British Museum, London and is now archived on line, but not exhibited. Google their website ‘Blackmore Collection’. And lots to read up about the founder William Blackmore
  • The one in Chalon?

    --Dick Sullivan

  • I have a strong feeling that the Museum of the History of Science in Oxford may hold that honour. Contact archivist Tony Simcock. I'm sure he'd be happy to tell you.

  • Thank you, Michael. I'd searched here under "first exhibition" but I did not see that particular post. I appreciate your bringing it to my attention. Apparently the people at V & A have not see it either.

  • In terms of exhibition, BPH ran this some time ago: with Frankfurt's Städel Museum claiming the first photography exhibition in 1845.

  • I have the answer to the question that I didn't ask: which museum held the first photography exhibition? The V & A claims that distinction.  Now hopefully someone can answer my original question.

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