New research about photographer, author and journalist Percy R. Salmon FRPS has been published to mark the anniversary of his birth (12th March 1872).It reveals his role in the arrival and adoption of the Autochrome colour process in Britain in the…
A recent eBay search revealed a large collection of stereoscopic cards produced by Wenman Joseph Bassett-Lowke (1877-1953) of Northampton, a keen photographer from his teens and later a respected film-maker.
The name Bassett-Lowke will be familiar…
The singer-songwriter Nick Drake, who died 50 years ago today, was immortalised not only by his music.Photographer Keith Morris (1938-2005) took many of the images inextricably linked with Nick and helped create his public persona.Keith's work…
My Pressphotoman blog has recently published a series of posts about celebrated photographers, who learned and/or refined their craft with W. & D. Downey of South Shields, Newcastle on Tyne and London.The featured photographers are Hayman Seleg…
"Thanks Steve. Very interesting. I had not seen the WS Parry verso for 17 Eldon Square that you featured. My collection currently features three different ones.
William Sofltey Parry's wife Christiana, who ran the business with him, features in the…"
A Pressphotoman mini-series of blogposts featuring new research about photography in 1860s Eldon Square, Newcastle upon Tyne has just been published.
Part 1 explores how W. & D. Downey came to open a studio at number 9.Part 2 traces William Softley…
Research into the origins of London News Agency Photos Ltd (founded 1908) has revealed an unexpected development. A recently obtained stereocard dated to 1910 advertises the company as "stereoscopic photographers." I have written a Pressphotoman…
In May 1856, Alder's (left) in Blyth, Northumberland provided a shop window for the Downey brothers first portrait photographs.
New research about royal photographers W. & D. Downey of South Shields, Newcastle and London features in my latest…
"HI Andrew
Yes, as you point out, James participated in the 1909 RPS exhibition as a member of the United Stereoscopic Society. It was founded by Albert J. Snow in 1904 and was still active in the mid-1950s.
In February 1908, according to a report in…"
During September, I blogged each day about 30 stereocards attributable to pioneering Fleet Street photographer James Edward Ellam (1857-1920). The series focuses on James's activities in the 1890s, his evolving relationship with 3D giants Underwood…
My thanks to those who've responded to my blogpost-a-day throughout September on a cache of recently discovered amateur stereos by James Edward Ellam (1857-1920). Link here They date from the 1890s when James was refining his stereoscopic technique…