I am travelling from Australia to London in July to do some research on my Great grandfather's company which produced halftone photograph's for pubishing in newspapers, journals and books during the 1890's. The name of the photographic process was called Electro-phototypy, the name of the company was Sutton's Process Syndicate Limited and the company was run out of 4 Tokenhouse Buildings London and they had a premesis just around he corner from Fleet St (address unknown). I am wanting to see what I can find out at the St Brides Library but I am not familiar with which books or records to search in. If anyone has experience in looking in these sort of records at the library and can help me with which items/records or books might be helpful or if anyone with some experience at looking at records at the library could spare a day to assist me I would be very grateful. If anyone can assistance me in anyway please contact me.
Also if anyone knows where the records for the testing of the makers of lantern/camera lenses at the Kew Observatory in the 1890's are located and if they are available online could you please let me know.
Regards Lorayne
There is a file on the company at The National Archives, Kew, http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/catalogue/displaycataloguedetail...
I'd suggest that you check on the availability of St Bride's Printing Library before you visit as the library is 'temporarily closed' - see: http://www.stbride.org/