Instead, Naef suggested they were done by others, whilst Muybridge merely published them. If he is correct, the histories of photography are about to be significantly revised. What other photography historians and curators have to say about the dispute will be very interesting to see.
Read the article here and a Q&A with Naef himself on this very topic can be found here.
So draw your own conclusions ...
Yes, I did read of a recent article on Muybridge which mentioned "his neglected wife, Flora, and his cold-blooded murder in 1874 of a man he suspected was her lover. He got off scot-free, pleading insanity (he'd suffered a severe brain injury during a stagecoach accident in 1860) and justification for a crime of passion. When Flora died soon afterward, Muybridge placed their young son in an orphanage".
Wondered how he would fare in this day and age ?
This same exhibition will be heading our shores come this September, and I'm sure will open up even more discussions on this amazing, and yet intriguing, early photographer, on this side of the pond !
All the best, Michael