If you found this blog regarding Birmingham and it's role in the history of photography of interest, then you might be keen to attend a talk given by Pete James, Head of Photographs, in a forthcoming evening seminar. He will be speaking on some of the more obscure and less well-known photographs from the internationally acclaimed photographic collection of the Birmingham Central Library.
Birmingham Central Library holds one of the UK’s national collections of photography. Totalling some 3.5 million images, these internationally significant collections include work by some of the UK's greatest photographers: Francis Frith, Francis Bedford, Roger Fenton, Edward Muybridge, Sir Benjamin Stone, Bill Brandt, Tony Ray Jones, Paul Hill, John Blakemore, Brian Griffin Peter Marlow and Chris Steele Perkins amongst others. The collection also includes a vast number images ranging from the less well-known to the downright bizarre.
In 2013 the photography collections will move into the Library of Birmingham where new facilities, including state-of-the-art gallery space, will open up full public access to these collections for the first time - something to look forward to!
Details of this seminar can be found here.