cfp: Archiving 2015

12200995097?profile=originalThe Society for Imaging Science and Technology has announced a call for papers for Archiving 2015. The conference is to be held the week of 18 May at the Getty Center in Los Angeles, California. Read more and download a PDF version of this Call for Papers at

About The Conference

The IS&T Archiving Conference brings together a unique community of imaging novices and experts from libraries, archives, records management, and information technology institutions to discuss and explore the expanding field of digital archiving and preservation. Attendees from around the world represent industry, academia, governments, and cultural heritage institutions. The conference presents the latest research results on archiving, provides a forum to explore new strategies and policies, and reports on successful projects that can serve as benchmarks in the field. Archiving 2015 is a blend of short courses, invited focal papers, keynote talks, and refereed oral and interactive display presentations.

Proposed Program Topics

Prospective authors are invited to submit abstracts describing original work for presentation at the 2015 conference in technical areas related to the general fields of:

  • Digital Preservation
    Infrastructure, Repositories, Web Harvesting and Archiving
  • Creating and Preserving Dynamic Media
    Sound, Film, Digital Art
  • Imaging Technology
    Including digital documentation and forensic analysis of art
  • Using Tools, Systems, and Services
    Quality Assurance, Managing file formats including image compression and Digital Forensics
  • Managing Content and Digital Curation
    Policies, processes, metrics for services, illustrating value and ROI, and systems
    Access rights management
    Data privacy and PII (personally identifiable information)
  • Share Economies and Partnerships
  • Innovative Software, Projects, and Services

All submitted proposals will be peer reviewed by the program committee to assure that the program provides significant, timely, and authoritative information.

Submission Procedures

Prospective authors are invited to submit abstracts describing original work for presentation at the 2015 conference in any technical areas related to digital preservation, image capture and workflow, and digital curation.

All papers presented at Archiving 2015 will be published in the conference proceedings, indexed with various services, filed with the US Library of Congress, and made available as downloadable PDFs through the IS&T digital library. Authors may propose either a 20-minute oral or an interactive discussion presentation format. This enables presenters to engage with other delegates at the conference in the mode best suited to their content and desires. Oral and interactive papers are considered of equal importance and merit.

Papers presented at the conference should be authoritative and complete in regard to advancing the state of knowledge in the area of digital preservation and archiving. The conference language is English.

Abstract submissions must:

  • use the template found on the submission page and feature a total length of 1-2 pages
  • clearly identify the technical content of the paper, including information explaining how the material is new or distinct from previously presented/published work on the same topic
  • include name of author and all co-authors, and supply a maximum 50-word bio for each
  • provide complete contact info (address, phone, fax, e-mail) for the primary author, and indicate the format preference (oral or interactive).

A web-based form and instructions for submitting a proposal will be available at Use of this process is strongly encouraged, although submissions will be accepted via e-mail at Please put your LAST NAME and ARCH15 SUBMISSION in the subject line.

Abstract Submission Deadline: December 8, 2014.

Notification of acceptance/rejection:February 16, 2015

Upon notice of acceptance, authors are sent detailed instructions for submitting the full text of the paper for publication in the conference proceedings, including forms for "transfer of copyright." Please note that each author is responsible for obtaining appropriate clearance as necessary.

Final Manuscript Deadline: March 31, 2015.

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