This symposium welcomes researchers, curators and photographers from all geographical areas. Proposals may concern any post-colonial period from the 19th to the 20th century. Abstracts in english or french (approx. 500 words) must be sent by May 31, 2024 at the latest, with a short biography, affiliation information, and a bibliography (for researchers). Authors will receive an answer in June 2024. Travel and accommodation expenses for selected participants will be covered. We welcome proposals addressing one or more of the following topics:
- Histories of the passage, transition, training and circulation of photographers and photographs from the liberation and independence struggles of the 19th and 20th centuries.
- Histories of hindered and unfinished photographic projects
- Histories of the construction and deconstruction of visual cultures and imaginaries from the independence struggles of the 19th to the 20th centuries.
- Histories of photographic networks and trajectories shaping new Cold War cartographies and imaginaries
- Histories of networks building alternative image economies outside or through the capitalist circuits of photography
- Histories of the creation of national press agencies
- Photography’s reconsideration of power relationships: domination/resistance, emancipation/reversals of gaze
- Porosities between auctorial photography (in the face of the question of anonymity) and propaganda photography, between dissidentism and conformism, between individual and collective action
- Photography as a vector for the construction of cultural, collective and national identities, political imaginations, fictions and futures
- The question of materiality, with technological and material approaches differing from those of Europe and the United States
- The paradigm of the gaze and photographic modernities outside Europe and the USA
- Images and approaches that rethink Western-centric aesthetic criteria and approaches to photography
Methodologies / Epistemology
- Considering the obstacles of certain fields, the lack of sources, and the disappearance or destruction of archives
- Countering homogenizing narratives, or how to approach specific individual practices and the interplay of local and global scales
- Questioning the oral history method in writing the history of photography, as well as micro-historical approaches
- Question the limits of postcolonial approaches to understanding these photographic histories
- Challenge the Eurocentric historical view of photography, and imagine new « non-Western » ways of thinking about photography as an epistemological axis
Histories of Photography from the Struggles for Independence: practices, circulations and aesthetics
Abstract submission by: 31 May 2024
Conference: 28-29 January 2025JAN 28-29, 2025 International Conference
INVISU / INHA, Institut national d’histoire de l’art, Paris