After 15 years of campaigning The Cinema Museum’s future looks bright. At last we have a chance to secure a permanent home for the Museum and save a well-loved, unique heritage building (The Lambeth Workhouse, once home of Charlie Chaplin). We are thrilled; we can’t wait to buy it, mend it and share it with those who love cinema, film, creativity, architecture, stories, memories and all the good that comes from positive social change, pro-environmental behaviour and caring communities.
Since 2007 The Cinema Museum has campaigned to secure a permanent home at The Master’s House, London SE11, Lambeth, just over the Southwark border. With no rights to renew, changing landlords, short annual leases that restricted access to grants and ongoing threats that our home was to be sold to the highest bidder – it was a long, hard, stressful slog. But its over…well, almost!
We just signed a 4-year lease with our landlords, Anthology (part of the Lifestory Group) – with an option to purchase the Master’s House buildings for £1 million at any time over the next four years. That might not seem much to raise in 4 years, but the buildings need MANY millions spending on them – so we have 4 years to raise a LOT of money – but we are reenergised, reinvigorated and with your help, we will do it. So - to the essence of this statement – our deep, respectful thanks.
We are grateful to Anthology (part of Lifestory Group) for giving us the legal certainty we need to save both The Cinema Museum and The Master’s House buildings. We are grateful to the Mayor of London and the GLA who were supportive of the Museum throughout. We are grateful to both officers and politicians at Lambeth Council, who provided over a decade of kind help and support in getting the Museum to this stage. We are grateful to officers and politicians at Southwark Council who also took us under their wing. We are grateful to Art Fund for emergency funding during Covid. Thank you to all our local partners in Lambeth and Southwark for everything you do for us. And - Museum Development London (funded by Arts Council England and Art Fund) who have expertly advised and supported us for over a decade, THANK YOU!
BUT they are organisations, not people, so thank you all, so much, every one of you who has stood up for us, signed our 62,000+petition and donated to our £100k+ crowdfunders. Thank you to our visitors, neighbours, friends and most importantly - our amazing, giant-hearted and hard-working volunteers - past and present. Thank you all for your pro bono advice; your work; your time; your money. Thank you for your generosity, kindness, encouragement, trust and belief. Thank You EVERYONE - this success has got your name written all over it - we will never forget.
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