Henderson, Neil
Empting frames. Animation Practice, Process & Production. Vol 1, No.1 (Mar 2011)
This short essay brings together some thoughts about two films, both of which take as their starting point the photographic still image and use film to expand and question the immobility of that image, teasing out small shifts and changes in its appearance. Candle and Tidal combine 16mm film and Polaroid photography to create a metaphor for movement and loss, evoking the alchemy of the photographic as it becomes a memory in a digital age. Through a commentary and reflection the formal characteristics of the work are described, and I explore how the filmed Polaroid is animated by the chemical transformation inherent in the Polaroid process. One of the key points is how the films concern themselves with articulating the filmic interval, as a chemical manifestation/metaphor
The article is available as a FREE download at: http://www.intellectbooks.co.uk/File:download,aid=10814/ap3.1.1.77.pdf
or doi: 10.1386/ap3.1.1.77_1