The Icon Photographic Materials Group is running an event on Friday 17th November to share knowledge on the conservation of photographs and film, following on from the successful Icon Scotland news and ideas exchange.
Speakers from public institutions, private conservators and students will talk about their dilemmas and solutions over traditional and modern photographic materials, from treatments to preventive measures, scientific investigation and routes into photograph conservation. The aim of the meeting is to build a comfortable space to discuss on-going projects. Tea, coffee, soft drinks, cakes and fruit will be provided.
If you’re willing to give a five minute talk, send a titled proposal (c. 100 words) with your name and affiliation by Monday 23rd October. Invited speakers will need to prepare approximately five PowerPoint slides, though these should be illustrative rather than textual. If you’d like any further details or to discuss your idea please get in touch as soon as possible:
The event will take place from 12:30 (for a 13:00 start) -16:00. This will be followed by a short annual general meeting and a visit to Illuminating India: Photography 1857-2017 from 16:00-18:00. The annual general meeting and the exhibition are free.
A final version of the programme will be available from Tuesday 31st October.
More information here: