Regular BPH readers will be aware of the general story of the Quillan Leaf. Some of you may have attended the recent Rethinking Early Photography conference at the University of Lincoln where Professor Larry Schaaf, gave a public lecture which, for the first time, told the story of the leaf. It presented the outcome of further research which identified the likely author of the leaf image, adding a new name to British photography's early canon.
BPH is pleased to provide exclusive advance access to a video of Schaaf's lecture at the link here or below and titled The Damned Leaf: Musings on History, Hysteria and Historiography.
BPH offers its thanks to Professor Schaaf, Dr Owen Clayton, the conference organiser, and Adam O'Meara who undertook the video production.
'Professor Schaaf's talk will be made public on the conference website on Monday, with other conference keynote talks to follow - check back for a link.
Oh dear, that means that I would have to write one. I fear that I only speak from a few scribbled outline notes, which I do not retain afterwards, and never read from a text (and my stumbles reveal that at times). There are plans afoot to publish a group of related papers and if these come to pass I'll be forced to write up a more detailed scholarly text. In the meantime, if you have any specific questions I'll be happy to try to respond, Larry
Larry may be able to comment on this.
Good morning,
Will the prof. Schaaf's lecture be published in writing e.g. in a PDEF file, available to download ?