Beelden van een vergeten ontmoeting. De Belgische missie in India, 1850-1950. (Images of a forgotten meeting. Belgian missionaries in India, 1850-1950). KADOC presents its archive of 150 years of Belgian presence in India. This collection not only includes traditional archive materials (letters, notes...), but also photographs and films. Together, they form a fascinating chronicle of a forgotten history and provide insights into the Belgian vision of Indian culture.
From: 9 November 2013 - 25 January 2014
More info:, Tel : 016 32 35 00
Where? KADOC, Vlamingenstraat 39, 3000 Leuven (free entrance)
When? 9.11.2013 > 25.01.2014 (excluding 11.11, 24.12 > 2.1) Monday > Friday: 9.00 > 17.00 ; Saturday: 9.00 > 12.30 , closed on Sunday
Vernissage: 9.11.2013, 19.00
More info:, 016 323 500