A project using Google hopes to map worldwide photographic preservation projects in order to strengthen photographic preservation efforts across the world. A Google Map of World Wide Photographic Preservation Projects can be found by clicking here. This Google map is designed to record our progress in working collaboratively and across boarders to preserve the world's photographic heritage. As a tool, this map is designed to inspire and facilitate future international collaborations in education and training, collection assessments, conservation treatment, research, digitization and much more. More information can be found here.
This map was first presented by Debra Hess Norris at the 2013 joint Winter Meeting of the American Institute for Conservation Photographic Materials Group (AIC-PMG) and the International Council of Museums Conservation Committee Photographic Materials Working Group (ICOM-CC PMWG) in Wellington, New Zealand.
Map Pin Keys for Types of Projects: Collaborative projects are listed by city and country in the left column of the map. By clicking on one of the projects, the viewer is brought to that location on the map and more detail about the project is revealed.
How to add content. We encourage you to add your collaborative projects to this map. Anyprojects connecting two or more countries are welcome to be represented. Please organize your project information to mimic the example format along with your project's web-link if available, and email this information to Debra Hess Norris (e: dhnorris@artsci.udel.edu) or Megan Kirschenbaum (e: meganjane123@gmail.com) Example Format:
1. Location: City/Country
2. Project Title:
3. Type of Project: (preventive care or education and training
or treatment and documentation or research and analysis)
4. Engagement Dates:
5. Collaborator: (agencies, institutions, etc.)
6. Funders: (if relevant)
7. Project's Primary Goal: (one sentence or so only)
Future Goals. We hope that this map will serve as a resource as we work together to strengthen photographic preservation efforts across all continents and to imagine new initiatives aimed at building capacity and knowledge in underserved regions of the world.