Perhaps a long shot, but I’m trying to identify a North Yorkshire photographer who just put his initials on his postcards.
I recently purchased a couple of cards, with similar initials, one was of the Farndale Show, postally used from Kirkbymoorside in August 1910,. The other, seen here, I have now identified as having been taken outside St. Mary's Church, Church Houses, Farndale East; it looks like they are waiting for Godot!
I’ve also seen examples with the same initials on the Helmsby Archive, in their “Around and about” photo album, one of Farndale Band (HA09448) and one of Lastingham Church (HA09358). However, they don’t know the parochial photographers identity.
Any assistance in identifying the photographer would be gratefully received.
Date is very early 1900s.
Yes, a commercial cabinet card. See attached.
Thanks Ron, fascinating, this puts a different complexion on things. I need to delve deeper! Regards, Rob
I have a cabinet card by H H Arnett of 17 Church Street, Whitby. He is the only photographer within range that is likely to have been the photographer involved. Ron Cosens
Hi Ron, Interesting, is it a commercially produced mount? Are you able to suggest a date for it? I agree his proximaty supports that conclusion, but as yet I am unable to substantiate that. Regards Rob
I just did a BNA search for “17 Church Street” which did not find any advertisements for H.H. Arnett as a photographer at that address. However, a couple of small sales adverts, for a boys cycle and a Werner motor cycle confirmed that the family were there in May 1908. Then in November that year his daughter Dorothy, aged c.8, wrote a letter to “Uncle Ted” at the Gazette, thanking him for the book received as a prize in a competition for wild flowers.
There is a Harry H Arnett in Whitby. He was running a carpet business in the town in about 1900, he was a member of the Whitby camera club where he exhibited a number of photographs in their 1903 exhibition. He published at least one postcard in 1904. The front of this card bore the inscription - Arnett Photo. See Ruth Wilcock's 2011 book on Whitby Photographers.
Jonathan, to your knowledge, or in Ruth Wilcock's book, is 17 Church Street a known studio address? Thanks regards Rob
Rob, in Ruth Wilcock's's book it states that Arnett's was listed on the electoral register for 1906-7 at 17 Curch Street. It doesn't mention a studio address specifically
Is that 17 Church Street address previously or subsequently associated with any other photographer? TIA