12201203885?profile=originalDoes anyone recognise the location or the photographer of these three photographs? The church in the second photograph can be seen in the background of the third photograph. The first and second photographs have a label on the reverse of the frame stating "R. Wilkinson, Permanent Photograph, Trowbridge, Wlits." The building on the left in the third photo has a sign pointing to "Oxford" and another advertising excursions to Portsmouth, Southampton and Isle of Wight.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Christchurch, New Zealand



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  • Re 3, the Black Head inn sign may assist, you might find it in an Oxfordshire street directory at https://specialcollections.le.ac.uk/digital/collection/p16445coll4. Old Ordnance Survey maps of Whitney can be found online, e.g. https://maps.nls.uk/view/106017114. Hope this helps.

  • Yes, definitely Bridge Street, Witney. A current view of Bridge Street via "Google Maps" shows the street remarkably unchanged over all the years. Seems all the building pictured are still standing. Thank you Tony and Elizabeth for your help.

  • How about Bridge Street, Witney. Now 28 Bridge St, The Courthouse Residence.
    I'd add a pic if I could figure out how from my mobile.
  • Definitely Witney, Butter Cross and Church Green from the north. The third photograph doesn't look like Witney (building materials not right) and there seems to be  the outline of a castle or similar in the distance.

    Wilkinson, one of the mass of local commercial photographers, only worked in central southern England which narrows the field.  He sold widely through local outlets - stationers, village shops and post offices. He described himself as a 'photographer of architectural antiquities'. 

  • Google Street View of the main Witney Streets will help I'm sure.
  • I have compared current photographs of Witney and this is definitely the location of the second and third photographs. Thank you for this information it is greatly appreciated. Will look in the Witney area for the location of the first photo.

  • Early photo of Butter Cross, Witney. (The last one).

    Possibly Witney Church Green, second image.

    So I'd take a stab at somewhere in Witney for the first...
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