The post-holder will be responsible for identifying and making accessible a largely unknown part of the Royal Collection's photograph collection. With the guidance of curatorial colleagues and the Picture Library team, the postholder is responsible for creating, editing and enhancing online records for selected groups of twentieth century photographs by significant photographers. None of the material has previously been made available to the public so the post-holder will be playing a key role in making the collection more widely available to as many people as possible.
The post-holder will:
- Identify significant groups of photographs that have not previously been published online;
- Create inventory records of these photographs which will be published online;
- Ensure that the selected photographs are digitised by our in-house photographic team;
- Ensure copyright is cleared for online publication of the photographs;
- Be required to contribute your knowledge of this material to other projects and the general ongoing work of the Photograph Collection, including in-house displays and group visits.
The position will run from January to December 2017.
Applications by 30 October.