The British Film Institute is seeking a Curatorial Specialist to join the BFI’s Curatorial department on a fixed term basis until March 2022 to work on the Heritage 2022 project; digitising 100,000 video works from the collections of the BFI and partner archives in order to preserve the collections for future generations.
Key Responsibilities
- Work with curators and curatorial archivists to process video material to support delivery of the BFI’s Heritage 22 programme, identifying and inspecting materials in order to advise on conservation need. Ensure that materials are accurately described and documented on the BFI’s documentation system.
- Bring an understanding of the history of film, television and the moving image to support curatorial archivists in recommending preservation and conservation workflows for video and other archive materials as part of the Heritage 22 programme. In consultation with curators, assign and amend preservation status applied to holdings and update the Collections Information Database (CID).
- Use the Collections Information Database (CID) tool to accurately catalogue archive materials to internationally agreed standards and undertake materials research for programming, conservation or preservation. Use spreadsheets and information databases to bulk import or export metadata describing the collections.
- Research the BFI National Archive using the Collections Information Database (CID) to identify best materials for potential curatorial programmes.
See more and apply here: