The photographer Norman McBeath and poet Robert Crawford have just completed a collaboration called Light Box which was launched at the Royal Society of Edinburgh. A digital version of Light Box can be viewed through this link:
Light Box celebrates light in all its aspects – solar, sacred, scientific, nourishing, and poetic. The work juxtaposes a series of haiku by Robert Crawford with black and white photographs by Norman McBeath. The relation between poems and pictures is often teasingly oblique: neither simply illustrates the other. Instead, they ‘resonate’ together, each enhancing the other.
Exactly 150 years ago the great Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell published his most influential paper on electromagnetism (a paper crucial to Einstein). Maxwell had a scientific instrument called a ‘light box’. Nineteenth-century scientists sometimes wrote of light ‘resonating’. This new Light Box was produced after the poet and the photographer met leading physicists who work in optoelectronics.