Roger Watson, curator of the Fox Talbot Museum, is lecturing in the United States and can be seen in a livestream of his lecture on 4 February 2016 at 12.00AM GMT.
AAHD alumnus Roger Watson, BFA 1982, is a curator at Lacock Abbey, Fox Talbot Museum, in Lacock, England, Britain's birthplace of photography. Watson's recent book is Capturing the Light: The Birth of Photography, a True Story of Genius and Rivalry, co-authored by Helen Rappaport. The Fox Talbot Museum celebrates the life and work of William Henry Fox Talbot (1800-77). Fox Talbot created the first photographic negative in 1835, taken of a small window at his home, Lacock Abbey.
See here for more information:
Yes - that was my estimate, too... a late night.
am I correct in thinking that this is at midnight in the UK?