With just under one month to go before the London Festival of Photography opens the programme is now available. In addition a wonderful range of exhibitions there are two events of particular note. On 21 June John Falconer, Lead Curator at the British Library will be talking on Henry Fox Talbot (see: http://www.lfph.org/diary/henry-fox-talbot-intimate-talk-by-john-falconer) and on 24 June 'Professor' Mervyn Heard will be demonstrating the magic lantern (see: http://www.lfph.org/diary/the-secret-life-of-the-magic-lantern-the-exotic-the-erotic-and-the-bizarre) As both events are likely to be popular BPH readers are advised to book early.
Full details of the Festival can be found here: http://www.lfph.org