The May edition of The London Photograph Fair in Bloomsbury takes place this Sunday, 28th May. A week on from the successful Special Edition boutique event at King's College, the Bloomsbury fair - which has been going since 1982 - offers a wealth of C19th and C20th material, with something for every collector and dealer.
Sunday 28 May 2017, 10am - 4pm
Alan Cook, Albumen Gallery, Allsworth Rare Books, Arnaud Delas, Bruno Tartarin, photovintagefrance, Christine Wilhelm, Paul Cordes - Classic Photographics, Diana Howlett, Dr. Jens Mattow - Antiquariat für Buch und Fotografie, Eric P. Waschke FRGS Wayfarers Bookshop, Frédéric HOCH, Hugh Ashley Rayner, Iain Burr, Ian Sumner, Janette Rosing, Joseph Delarue, Linus Carr, Lisa Tao, Malcolm, Pablo Butcher, Pavel Chepyzhov, Philip & Rosemary Banham, Pump Park Vintage Photography, Richard Meara, Roland Belgrave Vintage Photography, Sasportas Fine Art, Shaun Caton, The Front, Tony Crombie.
Venue: Bloomsbury Holiday Inn, Coram Street, London WC1N 1HT
Tube: Russell Square (1 min walk) ; King's Cross-St. Pancras (7-10 min walk)
[Image above: Francis Frith, Mammoth plate albumen print, 1857. Available to buy at the London Photograph Fair, Bloomsbury, on 28th May 2017]