Minnie Weisz Studios in Kings Cross will be running a series of weekend workshops learning to make positive ambrotypes, images direct onto glass, tin and acrylic. Following in the footsteps of Frederick Scott Archer, the inventor of the collodion process in 1851, you will be taught by experts in the field of alternative historic photographic processes, practising and teaching in the UK : Jo Gane, John Brewer.
Each workshop begins with a mini lecture about the history and science of the wet plate collodion process, each specialist in the field will introduce their own work and examples of ambrotypes for the class to view and discuss.
Participants will learn the process, a hands-on approach, pouring plates, working with large format cameras in the studio, for portraits and still life, processing the plates in our specialist dark room, making up to 7 plates each per weekend workshop.
Further details, including dates etc, can be found here.
Photo: The Bullring Birmingham, Ambrotype © Jo Gane