Alan Griffiths the founder of the photo-history resource Luminous Lint writes: While we all go through the turmoil of COVID-19 we each have to do what we can. It is important for all students to have access to high quality materials on photohistory as universities, schools and libraries around the world close down so I've opened up Luminous-Lint.
You can login to for free with the email address and the password "spring" all in lowercase. You can login here.
This will be available until 18 April 2020 and then I will take another look at the situation.
I would ask the following of you:
1. If you see any errors or have something to add let me know. I'm always at
2. Subscribe if you can afford it as it allows me to provide services to those who can't.
Other than that - have an interesting time exploring and I wish you, your family and friends all the best,
Hi Tony and Francis,
Sorry I missed your messages. Try logging in again as all appears well and masses of people have been able to get in.
You can login to Luminous-Lint at the following page:
Use the email - and the password spring all in lowercase.
All the best and stay safe,
Thank you Alan, very good of you, will try logging in again after the rush.
This is generous of Alan – very generous.
I am advised by a number of my students who have tried it, however, that the free login doesn't work for the time being.
I suspect neither the website nor Alan himself can cope with the numbers of people trying to avail themselves of his kind offer. I suggest waiting a few hours or days until the rush is over.