12200982057?profile=originalThe Fotorestauratie Atelier VOF offers English Master Classes in various subjects surrounding the preservation of photographs. During the first half of the year we are placing special focus on preservation strategies surrounding modern photographs. 
All courses will be given in Amsterdam and prices include coffee breaks, lunch and a reader. Classes will be given by Clara von Waldthausen, Hans Meesters or by a guest lecturer. The number of participants is limited to 8 unless otherwise indicated in the course description.

Identification of Modern Photograph Processes
Date:     19, 20 & 21 March 2014

Costs:   495,00 euro
This course covers the most common modern photograph processes and finishing techniques in theory and in practice. Participants will learn about and examine the differences between true black and white photographs, early color processes, chromogenic and silver dye bleach photography, inkjet prints and many other modern processes during a three-day workshop that is divided into theory and practical sessions. 
Digital Photograph Documentation for Conservators / Restorers 
Date:     14, 15 & 16 April 2014

Costs:   595,00 euro
In the last 10 years conservators have made the switch from analoge photograph documentation of their treatments to digital documentation. However there are many differences in the way digital documentation is performed and in the tools needed to produce and ensure longevity of the digital file.  Targets other than the Kodak color scale have to be used, a white balance has to be made and stitching together of images using programs such as Adobe Photoshop can be performed. This master class will provide the background necessary to understand digital photography and document conservation treatment optimally. 

Note: An understanding of one's own camera is required and participants are encouraged to bring their own camera and if possible a laptop with Adobe Photoshop. These tools will be useful during the practical sessions. 

Presservation of Modern Photograph Collections
Date:      21, 22 & 23 May 2014

Costs:    495,00 euro
Which processes can be stored at room temperature and which can better be stored in cold storage? What are cold storage temperatures and what are the requirements to store at these temperatures? This master class will discuss storage of modern photographs as well as focus on deterioration, exhibition, framing and transportation requirements of color, black and white and inkjet prints.

Course discussions surrounding the concept of originality versus reproducibility of photographs will be held and the use of exhibition copies will be looked at. Strategies for handling and installing modern photographs will be examined. Experiences in decision-making and working with artists and museum staff will be shared and considered during a number of case studies that will be presented by participants and lecturer. After the course, participants will be able to make warranted decisions concerning the preservation of modern photograph collections, identify damage to the collection and document damage on condition rapports.

Note: It is recommended that participants have experience in process identification of the most common modern processes including chromogenic, dye transfer, silver dye bleach and inkjet prints. If you do not, may we recommend our master class, “Identification of Modern Photograph Processes” which is given in March. Participants that enroll in both classes receive a 75 euro discount. 
Storage & Framing: Theory, Techniques and Materials
Date:      25, 26 & 27 June 2014

Costs:     695,00 euro
This hands-on course focuses on mounting and framing strategies for storage and exhibition. Participants will become familiar with mounting materials and techniques for modern and historic photographs as well as the various adhesives for mounting photographs with different primary supports.  Common mounting methods used by commercial framers will be considered and during practical sessions mock-ups will be made using a number of mounting techniques. The use of microclimates in framing will also be examined and the possibilities and limitations of hermetic framing will be evaluated. 

Note: This course is limited to 5 participants
To register for one of the classes below please send an email to us via the form on the right side of this window with your name, email address, telephone number (optional) and message, and press the "verzend" button to send it to us. Once received, we will be happy to send you a registration form and if desirable a list of hotels in the area.

See more and book here: http://www.fotoconservering.nl/3173912/master-classes

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