In a Strange Land: Perceiving and Interpreting Unfamiliar Environments will take place from June 25–26, 2013 in the Springer Auditorium, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem. It is a multidisciplinary international symposium organized by The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, and the Shpilman Institute for Photography, Tel Aviv, in conjunction with the exhibition Displaced Visions: Émigré Photographers of the 20th Century. Moderator: Dr. Nissan N. Perez
The Speakers:
- Prof. Marc Augé, France (Chair)
Globalization, Space and Migration
- Prof. Svetlana Boym, Harvard
Nostalgia, Estrangement and Off-Modern Space
- Prof. Boris Groys, NYU
After History: Alexandre Kojève as Photographer
- Prof. Hagi Kenaan, Tel Aviv University
An Unfamiliar Familiarity: Photography and the Everyday
- Prof. Malcolm Le Grice, UK
The Influence of European Émigré Artists on the Development of Experimental Cinema
- Prof. Michael Levin, Founding Head of the Multidisciplinary Art Department, Shenkar College
Trying to Achieve a Union Between Prussianism and the Life-cycle of the Muezzin
- Mr. Bernard-Henri Lévy, France
Title to be announced
- Dr. Nissan N. Perez, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Strangers in a Strange Land: The Photographic Vision of the Émigrés
- Prof. Shelley Rice, NYU
Local Space/Global Visions
- Mr. Yigal Zalmona, Former Chief curator at Large, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Immigrants or Natives: The Identity Discourse and Early Israeli Art
All lectures will be conducted in English.
25.6.13 between 9:30 – 16:30; 26.6.13 between 09:30 – 17:00
75 NIS per day/120 NIS for both days. Special student price: 40 NIS per day/70 NIS for both days.
Space is limited; please confirm your attendance by phone: 02-6708895/6.