Animation artist Koji Yamamura ("Mt. Head" and "Franz Kafka's A Country Doctor") has completed his long-awaited animated short, "Muybridge's Strings," in a coproduction with the National Film Board of Canada (NFB) and others.
Yamamura took seven years to finish the 12-minute short, slated for release this year. The NFB, long known for its support of quality art animation, has produced many critically acclaimed works that have won top accolades at international film festivals.
"Muybridge's Strings" follows the life of groundbreaking British photographer Eadweard Muybridge (1830-1904). Muybridge succeeded in photographing a horse in fast motion. The photos became a famous forerunner to the invention of movies and animation. Yamamura's animated short also includes a parallel story about a girl growing up in modern Tokyo. The film's score includes J.S. Bach's "Crab Canon."
For further info, you can read the full article here.
Photo: No, not Muybridge, but Anime director Koji Yamamura (Photo by Atsushi Ohara)