During the Covid-19 lockdown we’ve all become acutely aware of one of the most essential values of digital preservation: remote access. Most physical collections, libraries, and archives have been closed down for several weeks. Working from home is problematic, especially when we keep in mind that rather than working from home by design or choice, we are actually at home during a crisis trying to work. In any case, primary access to collections is now digital more than ever. This brings the need for better understanding in digital preservation and the development of skills for digital curation to the fore more than ever before.
Making the case for, and delivering, a programme of digital preservation is still a tough (and expensive) challenge, but perhaps lockdown will help everyone understand its importance.
This two day event explores how we can best preserve and give access to our digital archives and collections. It includes:
- Practical workshops giving the basics of best practice in looking after digital material
- Talks and provocations outlining the strategic and curatorial challenges of digital preservation
- World café-style sessions in subject areas that attendees can propose
- Informal networking sessions in breakout spaces
The event is organised by:
Find out more, see the provisional programme and book here: https://www.photocollections.org.uk/events/rethinking-digital-preservation-time-crisis