12200989899?profile=originalDe Montfort University has published two new online resources: Members of the Royal Photographic Society 1853-1901 which provides the most comprehensive source of information on some 3000 Photographic Society and RPS members to 1901; and Roger Fenton’s Crimean letterbooks which publishes faithful reproductions and transcripts of letters sent originally by Roger Fenton and subsequently copied out by family and friends during his "Photographic Trip to the Crimea" in 1855.

There is additional work taking place on the RPS members to extend the date range and to add further biographical information on those listed. 

The resources are fully searchable and compliment De Montfort University's existing online databases: 

PEIB logo Photographs Exhibited in Britan 1839–1865

A research database containing individual records for over 20,000 photographic exhibits drawn from forty exhibition catalogues published between 1839 – 1865. Most of the images created by Fenton in the Crimea are listed.

Fox talbot logo The Correspondence of William Henry Fox Talbot

The Correspondence of William Henry Fox Talbot is a comprehensive database of all the known letters to and from Talbot (1800-1877), the Wiltshire polymath best known for his invention of photography. It contains over 10,000 letters.

Roger Fenton logo Roger Fenton’s Crimean letterbooks

Roger Fenton's letters from the Crimea is a collection of all 25 of the known letters written by Roger Fenton during his pioneering wartime photographic expedition to the Crimea.

ERPS logo Exhibitions of Royal Photographic Society

Exhibitions of the Royal Photographic Society 1870–1915. Catalogue records from the annual exhibitions.

Amelina Logo The journal of Amélina Petit de Billier

The journal of Amélina Petit de Billier was written in French, with a few entries in English or Italian. It has been preserved at Lacock Abbey since she wrote the last volume in 1835 and is now being transcribed and translated for the Fox Talbot Museum with the permission of the owners of the journal, Janet Burnett–Brown and Petronella Burnett–Brown of Lacock Abbey.

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  • I'll join Kelley with the Congratulations Michael. I love your database and it will be very useful for me and for everyone. Also my warmest Congratulations to you all at Du Montfort for the Fenton Letters! Both are great and so user friendly - welcome additions to your already excellent collection of databases! Thank you Stephen! What's next?
  • Dear Michael,

    Congratulations on the publication of the RPS members. This is a much needed resource and I'm sure it will be heavily used. Even a short cruise through it indicated that I'll be spending a lot more time looking at this information. Thank you for all your hard work. 

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