Photo London, London city wide celebration of photography centred on Somerset House attracted more than 20,000 visitors over five days. 70 galleries from 20 countries participated in the first edition of the fair, along with 10 publishers and 3 special exhibitors. They showed the best photography from all over the world, with strong sales across a range of photography from vintage and rare prints to contemporary and new work by established and emerging talent.
Michael Benson, Director of Photo London said: "The reaction to our first edition has been astonishing - far exceeding our own expectations and predictions. Indeed many of our exhibitors have told us that Photo London is the best art fair they have ever attended. Our aim was not to be the biggest, simply to be the best and with our first edition we have taken a huge stride in that direction."
PhotoLondon saw a major public programme which included three specially commissioned exhibitions, including Beneath the Surface showing works from the V&A's Photographs Collection will remain open until the end of August (see image left); performances and talks. Sebastião Salgado's accepted the first Photo London Master of Photography Award.
Photo London will returned in 2016 from 19-22 May 2016. See more and sign up for emails here: