Just published is the annual Burlington Magazine photography special issue timed to coincide with next week's Photo London fair. It is available in printed form (£25) or as a PDF download (£20).
The published papers and articles include The Bayeux Tapestry photographed (Ella Ravilious); ‘Goethe’s house is severely wrecked’: Lee Miller at Buchenwald and Weimar(Katharina Günther), One short trip to New York: Bill Jay and Tony Ray-Jones (Grant Scott), Landscape as grid in Stephen Shore’s American surfaces’ (Tom Cornelius), Soft, feminine and forgotten: Kate Smith’s autochromes (Catlin Langford), Rrose Sélavy as house painter (Francis M. Naumann), an article review of The Photography Centre at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London (Lisa Stein) and editorial on the digitisation of the Conway and Witt Libraries.
The Burlington Magazine, May 2023, #1442 – Vol 165
Details: https://www.burlington.org.uk/current-issue