I am looking for any kind of information relating to photographs of Western travellers pictured in costume while on their travels in Egypt. I know that several commercial studios based in Cairo and Alexandria, such as Schier & Schoefft (see image attached), Facchinelli and Dittrich, offered this service, but I am having trouble finding examples that have been digitized and made available online.
Please feel free to contact me either by replying to this blog post or by sending me an email at steph.hornstein[at]gmail.com.
Thank you!
Hello Ken. Thank you for this link. I was aware of Frith's self-portrait, but I hadn't ever seen the full title page of Egypt, Sinai and Palestine.
Hello Stéphanie:- You will probably know of Francis Frith's 1857 self-portraits, but if not, the following will be a useful introduction: https://www.rct.uk/collection/2701283/self-portrait-in-turkish-summ...
Best wishes, Ken