Designed by the Société française de photographie and supported by the Ministry of Culture (Department of Photography/Delegation for Visual Arts/Directorate General for Artistic Creation), ICONOS PHOTO is a portal dedicated to research in French photographic collections and archives. Accessible to all free of charge, ICONOS PHOTO is designed as a work and exchange tool for researchers, photography professionals, curators, independent curators, restorers, students and any public interested in the medium. Through this sharing of data and knowledge, it aims to unite a community around the question of photographic heritage, to offer a showcase to the collections, and to stimulate research into the history of photography.
It was opened in December 2023 and the ICONOS PHOTO directory is a search engine for photographic collections, funds and archives preserved by French heritage institutions. Designed as a referral tool, its objective is to share data in a single tool that allows users to find their way through the funds and be directed to the right institutions for their research. It cross-references information generated by institutions in the form of descriptions of their funds.
The project gives access to the collections of the Société française de photographie, Musée Nicéphore Niépce, and Archives départementales de la Mayenne.