Hyperallergic has reported that Paris Musées is now offering 100,000 digital reproductions of artworks in the city’s museums on open access — free of charge and without restrictions — via its Collections portal.
Paris Musées is a public entity that oversees the 14 municipal museums of Paris, including the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Petit Palais, and the Catacombs. Users can download a file that contains a high definition (300 DPI) image, a document with details about the selected work, and a guide of best practices for using and citing the sources of the image.
Images are currently available of 2D artworks, such as paintings or photographs, and are being made available under a CC0 (Creative Commons Zero) license, which allows creators and owners of copyrighted or database-protected content to place those works in or as close as possible to the public domain. Works still in copyright will be available as low definition files.
Paris Musées has significant holdings of photographs, including the work of Atget, Nadar, and photographically illustrated books.
Image: Portrait de Bautain, Eug., (photographe), c.1870-90. Musée Carnavalet.