12666384661?profile=RESIZE_180x180Paula Fleming writes... In honor of International Stereoscopy Day I’m formally launching my photo history webpage (flemingphotohistory.com) which covers over fifty years of research given for free to whomever can use it. In addition to copies of all of my papers and one entire book, it covers:

  • 19th century British photography. This includes journal notices, reviews of exhibits and images, legal notices, ads for new views from the Times, etc., a detailed bibliography, and full transcriptions of the most important articles. These are accompanied with an extensive name index with many life dates and bio. info. Also special lists referencing articles on astronomy, reviews of photographs, and travel/expedition stories.
  • 19th century photography of Washington, D.C. which contains hundreds of names accompanied by life dates, addresses, and frequently biographical information well beyond normal works of this genre. You won’t believe what some of them got up to! These stories make the individuals real people with real stories not just data items. Some entries have portraits of the photographers.
  • Newspaper coverage of 19th century Native American delegations to Washington, D.C. These documents help to identify, date and provide background for photos taken during that period.
  • French surprise tissue views selected from my collection. Just for fun. You can mouse over a stereo image to get a real stereo surprise.

Uploading my research is ongoing so there will be new additions.  Feel free to contact me by email at britishstereos@hotmail.com

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  • Congratulations Paula! A phenomenal amount of research... Thank you for sharing it.

  • Hi Paula, This looks like a great resource, and so generous of you to do this in honour or International Stereoscopy day! Looks like many of us have our bedtime reading sorted for weeks to come!

  • Great work, Paula!

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