Earlier this year we heard the sad news that the some of the collection of the great Irish collector of early photography, Sean Sexton, had been stolen. Some of the collection has been turning up, but a lot of it is still untraced. Here are photos of some of the main items which are missing.
I also have a Word document with 20 pages listing the stolen items, with many photos, which is too big to insert here. I am happy to send the list by email to any member here who supplies an email. If anyone here has details about any of the items, I am happy to have them sent along to Sean through the Gallery of Photography, Ireland where I am on the Board of Directors. We have in the past held exhibitions of items from Sean's collection, including some of the items which have been stolen.
Previously reported on BPH see: https://britishphotohistory.ning.com/profiles/blogs/stolen-historic-cameras-and-photographs-london-9-april-2100-2300