This talk seeks to probe and extend our current understanding of the relation between photography and ubiquity. One of the ways in which we understand this relation is through digitization and debates on new or digital media concerned with the proliferation of photography in public and private life. Another way is through the assimilation, if not of photography then of the photographic, in the discourses and practices of ubiquitous computing. Professor Kember will explore what is at stake in the shift from a sense that photography is everywhere to a sense that the photographic is ‘everyware’ (Greenfield), meaning, ‘ever more pervasive, ever harder to perceive’.
Sarah Kember is Professor of New Technologies of Communication, Goldsmiths, University of London. She works at the intersection of new media and feminist science and technology studies. Professor Kember co-edits the journal photographies and is the author (with Joanna Zylinska), most recently, of Life After New Media. Mediation as a Vital Process, (MIT Press, 2012).
The History of Photography research seminar series aims to be a discursive platform for the discussion and dissemination of current research on photography. From art as photography and early photographic technology to ethnographic photographs and contemporary photography as art, the seminar welcomes contributions from researchers across the board, whether independent or affiliated with museums, galleries, archives, libraries or higher education, and endeavors to provide scholars with a challenging opportunity to present work in progress and test out new ideas.
The seminars usually take place once a term, on Wednesday evenings at 5.30pm in the Research Forum. The papers, and formal discussion, are followed by informal discussion and refreshments.
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Open to all, free admission