The current issue of Source magazine has a number of articles of interest to British photographic history. Sarah Macdonald, Heritage Collections Manager at the Royal Horticultural Society, looks at the RHS's photography collections. It includes over 400 cartes of horticulturalists.
Elsewhere, Richard West provides a useful overview and list of the blue heritage plaques of photography interest. However, his comment that the RPS's involvement in a scheme with Olympus in the 1990s was 'self-promotion' misses the point that the RPS and its membership have been active and integral to photographic history since 1853 and there is an overlapping of interests. The scheme commemorated individuals who would have otherwise been passed by. The RPS hardly needs to 'burnish' its place in history.
There are a number of plaques pending and West's list will be added to over the next couple of years.
Source magazine is available at various photography galleries and outlets, including the RPS in Bristol.