I am undertaking a part-time MA in Digital Media [September 2010 to 2012] at the School of Media, University of Lincoln. I have completed my first year creative project - phew! - and welcome feedback.
Click on Storytelling Snaps to see my original online interactive project where you pick through the photos and hear stories that span a lifetime of memories over one man’s eighty years. They are spontaneous stories triggered the moment I showed him family archives that were stored away. Now they have been given a digital life to a new audience whereby each snapshot shares its tale.
I was curious about how a shot captures a moment that can trigger a memory and release a story. In Sontag’s essay Plato’s Cave (1977) for me she accurately described photographs as “experience captured” and that, in essence, conceptually inspired my project.
Thank you for your comment Gandha, much appreciated.
Yes digital media is wonderful and there are many opportunities to experiment with.