Dr Geoff Belknap, Keeper of the Department of Science and Technology at National Museums Scotland, will offer some ‘behind the scenes’ evidence of the challenges and considerations that have to be borne in mind when caring for a national collection. He has unparalleled experience of working with photography, having formerly been the Curator in charge of the photographic collection at the National Science and Media Museum at Bradford. He has published in journals and edited volumes in the history of science, photography and visual culture and his first monograph, From a Photograph, was published in 2016 with Bloomsbury Press on the history of photography in the later 19th century periodical press. He has appeared in print, TV and radio media, including the recent BBC 4 series The Art of Innovation.
This is a special lecture organised as a joint event between the Derbyshire Archaeological Society and the W W Winter Heritage Trust. This is an online-only talk via Zoom - click here to book via Eventbrite (donation).
See: https://www.derbyshireas.org.uk/event/challenges-of-a-photographic-curator/
UPDATE: the recording can be seen here: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/YlZ3Kqrqnm580IxMHd-F4sJeE0-QHnYqAcrF62vwd51O2D_ZONzboE69mhNAvSbo.kzbqtMwBNN1001rs