Orphan Works are creative works that are subject to copyright for which one or more of the rights holders is either unknown or cannot be found. Understanding how Orphan Works in relation to photographic collections can be a bit of a minefield. To help you navigate we are running a virtual event with Margaret Haig from the government's Intellectual Property Office, on Wednesday 6th July, 1pm via Zoom.
The talk will cover important things you need to know in relation to working with Orphan Work images; how you can use them, how to seek out licenses and more.
To help you make the most of this session we would like you to submit any questions for the event beforehand via this form: https://forms.gle/Zey1eqg8kXm2WriJ6 Please note that Margaret will not be able to answer questions on specific legal disputes, and we cannot guarantee to be able to answer all questions. However, if you do send your questions ahead of the event we can research these to give you the best possible answers.
Booking is free, with the option of a donation to support PCN's work. You will receive a confirmation email when you book, and the event link will be sent to you on the day of the event.
Orphan works and photography collections
Hosted by the Photographic Collections Network with the IPO
Online: 6 July 2022 at 1300 (BST)
Details and booking here: https://www.photocollections.org.uk/events/orphan-works-and-photo-collections