Hilary Term 2016
Tuesdays (Weeks 1, 3, 5 and 7) – 12:30pm - 2pm*
Co-organizers: Mirjam Brusius & Geraldine Johnson
January 19th (Tuesday, Week 1) – 12:30pm -- 2pm:
Portraiture and Time: The Photographs of Edward S. Curtis
Shamoon Zamir, NYU Abu Dhabi
Location: Dept. of History of Art, Littlegate House, St Ebbes
February 2nd (Tuesday, Week 3) – 12:30pm – 2pm:
The Engraved Photograph, the Victorian Periodical and the Nature of Photographic Trust
Geoff Belknap, University of Leicester
Location: Dept. of History of Art, Littlegate House, St Ebbes
February 16th (Tuesday, Week 5) – 12:30pm – 2pm:
From Documentary to Abstract Photography: Aaron Siskin’s Aesthetic Transformation
Richard Howells, King’s College London
Location: Dept. of History of Art, Littlegate House, St Ebbes
March 1st (Tuesday, Week 7) – 12:30pm – 2pm:
Site Visit—Photography at the Sackler Library:
Eadweard Muybridge’s ‘Animal Locomotion’
Martin Kemp and Kelley Wilder in conversation
Location: Sackler Library, St John Street
Register to book a place** (limited places—only 8 can attend)
*Please bring your own lunch for informal conversation from 12:30pm to 1pm.
Formal presentations will begin at 1pm and finish by 2pm.
**To register for the Sackler Library site visit, please go to:
Co-sponsored by Dept. of History of Art (Centre for Visual Studies) and Bodleian Libraries