The Science Museum Group Annual Report and Accounts 2011−2012 has been published. Of particular interest to BPH readers will be the sections dealing with the National Media Museum. Some of the highlight facts are:
- Another significant collaboration within the Group during the year has been the ongoing development of Media Space. This gallery, based in the Science Museum and showcasing both National Media Museum (NMeM) and Science Museum collections, will provide a space for the exhibition of visual media, surrounded by cultural spaces for exploring, discussing, testing and exhibiting creative technologies. Coordination of the Media Space programme between London and Bradford will need to be carefully managed in order to get maximum benefit for both Museums.
- The NMeM welcomed 488,000 visitors 3% down against 2010–11 and 24% lower than the five-year average. The Museum saw a slight increase in general visitors over the year compared to 2010–11 and the overall reduction was mainly caused by a big drop in people coming to watch full-length IMAX films.
We also enhanced access to our collections and knowledge through the launch of a new website for our online magazine, Archive.
- Virgin Media partnership: This year we were excited to receive confirmation of a major new partnership between the NMeM and Virgin Media, for Media Space.
- At the NMeM the volunteer programme continues to grow. We now have 66 volunteers who contributed 4100 hours of their time. Roles included the provision of a valuable research service for visitors through the Library project, facilitating the weekly senior screening film discussions and assisting with our programmed events and film festivals
The full report and detail can be found here: