This series of three seminars considers the evolving importance of photograph archives. Moderated by Paul Lowe, curators Alison Nordström and Hilary Roberts will draw on their vast professional experience to consider how archives are created, what is involved in maintaining them for future generations and issues associated with their exploitation.
The three parts are:
Session 1. Creating the Archive (7 January)
Potential topics: What is an Archive (including the difference between a collection and an archive)? Who creates an archive? What is its purpose? What should be included (proactive vs passive collecting)? How should it be organized? What is the cost of creating an archive? What is its value? What are the essential decisions when creating an archive? Differences between an individual artist’s archive and institutional archives. Case studies: different kinds of archives. What happens when your photographs become part of an institutional collection?
Session 2. Preserving the Archive (21 January)
Potential topics: Preserving images and preserving objects. Stages of archive preservation and management (short, medium, long term); Past versus Present Practice (format issues, accountability, ethics, due diligence) The importance of collaborative relationships; Roles of the Photographer, the Photographer’s Representatives, Museum, Libraries and Archives; The Acquisition Process; Collections Management & Interpretation; How the archiving process supports the evolution of interpretation and understanding; What are the essential decisions when preserving an archive?
Session 3. Accessing the Archive (4 February)
Potential topics: How will your photographs outlive you? How will they be seen? Who uses archives, why and how? What are the potential benefits? How do you balance access and preservation needs? How do you fund archives? Are they viable sources of revenue? What is the future of archives in the internet age?
Each are online and run from 1000-1115 (Eastern Time) / 1500-1615 (GMT) and are free.
To register click here.
Image (cropped): Hilary Roberts. The Tim Hetherington Archive in storage, New York 2015.
It seems the link for registration doesn't work, at least from Italy, nor has the google search yielded better results. Can the problem be solved? Many thanks
It was a fascinating conversation... worth catching.
Sounds wonderful! Sorry I didn't get post in time for first session. Interesting intersection of archival principles and curatorial ones.